Essential Science is designed to serve various needs and interests of students, parents, teachers, tutors, and anyone interested in science essentials. Students will use it as a study guide and evaluation to understand the essential concepts of science. Parents can use it as a guideline to track their children’s understanding and help them with topics that may pose problems in classrooms. Teachers and Tutors can use the material as the basis for their lessons and evaluate students’ progress.

Weebsaayitiin kun barattoota, maatii barattootaa, barsiisota, fi nama bu`ura saayinsii barachuu fedhi qaban kamiifuu akka tajaajiluuf kan qophaa’edha. Barattoonni yaad-rimeewwan barbaachisoo saayinsii hubachuuf akka qajeelfama qo’annoo fi madaalliitti ni fayyadamu. Warri akka qajeelfamaatti itti fayyadamuun hubannoo ijoollee isaanii hordofuu fi mata dureewwan daree keessatti rakkoo uumuu danda’an irratti isaan gargaaruu danda’u. Barsiisonni meeshaa kana akka bu’uura barnoota isaaniitti fayyadamuu fi guddina barattootaa madaaluu ni danda’u.